22 January 2007

Do you know the answer?

Back in 1990 when i hired on with this outfit in New Orleans LA we had one heck of a crew. We were always betting each other and we like to wager things that really didn't cost any money. Things like the loser drinks a bottle of Tabasco, shave a body part, etc.... You know, fun stuff. Well we were sitting around talking about the movie Red Dawn. You remember when Patrick Swayze was a high school kid and the Russians invaded. Anywhoo, do you remember the part when Powers Booth, an Air Force Pilot, was shot down? One of the girls found him while he was knocked out and she was standing over him with a loaded gun when he came to. She thought he was a Rusky so she asked him "What is the capitol of Texas?"
He replied "Austin"
She said "No it isn't, it's ____________"

Do you remember what City she named. I thought i did back in 90 or 91 and it cost me an eyebrow.

Do you know the answer?


Anonymous said...

She said it was Houston.

Okay, what do I win?


Ray said...

You get to keep both eyebrows

Anonymous said...

She wasn't very bright now was she? She should have stayed awake a little more in school or off the dope!