07 February 2007

The Slut Shot

Well Rick Perry is at it again. I got to tell you that while all eyes are on Iraq, Texas is turning into a dictatorship. Rick Perry has mandated that by 2008 all girls entering the 6th grade must be vaccinated for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. Yes gentle readers, an 11 or 12 year old girl must get a shot for a STD.

I don't understand. Where is our morals going? Having to vaccinate 11 year old girls for STD's seems a bit much to me. Why aren't the parents teaching their children? Look at the diseases we have out there today that will kill you:
Hepatitis A & B

I have an idea, how about we teach celibacy. If a young man or woman does not have sex until she or he is married, you won't catch any of these diseases. I can prove it. Look at any Nun convent and they do not suffer from the diseases. Proven, celibacy works.

Now those who know me know i do not have any kids. True but i was a kid. I remember my Dad talking to me about STD's. He told me the story about how if you got VD then the doctor would put your willy on a table and beat it with a rubber mallet to break up the VD. It dang sure made an impression on me. I kept my willy to myself for the most part.

Here is an interesting observation. When i was in the Navy stationed in Italy, we used to visit countries that was very open to prostitution. When we hit these ports the sailors took off and had a good time. When we went to Africa, were 1 in 4 people have aids, you couldn't get them sailors to play with a hooker for love or money. Why is that? Simple, they knew they had a 25% chance of getting the AIDS. To my knowledge no one got the AIDS on my boat.

If a stupid drunken sailor can fathom this, why can't you people teach your kids that and preach celibacy until marriage? Enough about that.

Does the State of Texas have the right to assume that your 11 or 12 year old daughter is too stupid to be celibate and therefore MUST be vaccinated against an STD? I would say that is the million dollar question. If i were a parent and had a daughter i would be preaching celibacy constantly and i would be up in arms over this vaccination. Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Wake up and smell the coffee. Celebacy aint gonna happen. You obviously don't have kids or you would have a different opinion. If it could save your daughter from catching a disease and possibly dying then what the hell could it hurt to get a vaccine shot for it. I venture to say that if you had a daughter, she would definately be a slut and because of your ignorance, she would probably die of AIDS

Anonymous said...

Well caring mother i would assume from your comments that just because you probably concieved your daughter out of wedlock, doesn't mean everyone else did. Celibacy works. Just say no. IF your daughter was celibate i would guarantee she wouldn't catch a disease. Quit projecting your corrupt morals onthe children and thech them celibacy. You might be amazed and what happens when you pull your head out of your ass.